Just like the story filters from desktop and mobile, you can filter the information you receive from Alexa. We don't have quite as many options on voice as the visual platforms, but we've included the most in-demand options and that will have the most impact on your experience.
You can filter by time period and story order. The story orders are the same as on the website:
- Top
- Latest
- Most Read
- Most Popular
Unlike the text-based website or app, though, you can choose any time period you want. People usually choose the common ones, like 15 minutes, one hour, or one day. However, you can also choose 19 minutes, four hours, or three days. The time period is open to whatever you want.
For example, you might want to hear the stories with the highest CityFALCON score (top) from the last 15 minutes. Simply say What are the top stories from the last fifteen minutes. If you want a particular topic instead of everything from your active watchlist, you could say What are the latest stories for Amazon from the last day.